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Salesiana Textbooks is Don Bosco Press, Inc.’s flagship product line. The aim of every Salesiana Textbook is to aid the teachers in the wholistic formation of his or her students. Salesiana Textbooks are meticulously and scholastically prepared, ensuring that the elements of Values Integration, Developing Reasoning Power, and Kindness as Second Nature are present in each and every textbook.

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In 1979, the Salesian Society of Saint John Bosco salvaged the printing equipment for its technical high school in Makati and founded a company to serve the printing needs of its educational and evangelizing apostolates.

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Each Salesiana Textbook comes with a Teacher’s Manual that follows the Understanding by Design (UbD) approach of the Philippines’ Department of Education. Many of the textbooks include teaching aids like:

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News and Events

DBSP holds 15th Graduation Rites.
Another breed of specialists in the printing industry have been produced by the Don Bosco School of Printing (DBSP) when it held the 15th Commencement Exercises last June 15, 2012 at the 2nd Floor, Salesiana Bldg., Don Bosco Press, Inc.

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